Your Vote Matters in the 2024 US Elections

A picture of a Hispanic teen who's casting her vote
Where to vote?

For North Carolina residents you can find where your local voting station is, here.

For those who aren’t NC residents, you can find where your local voting station is here.

How do I register?

For North Carolina residents you can find how to register to vote here.

For those who aren’t NC residents, you can find out how to register here.

Voting 101: 5 Things to Know


En Espanol

Over the past 2 months, Latinx LIFE has been attending County of Elections Meetings advocating for more early voting sites in black and brown communities. We have also been eagerly demanding transparency in the use of election funds.

Early Voting Advocates

A portrait picture of Perla Fuller, one of the co-founder of Latinx Life

Forsyth County

Perla Fuller

Perla is a bilingual licensed clinical social worker and one of the co-founders of Latinx LIFE. She is passionate about racial equity, fitness, and helping people improve their mental health. The Triad is her home and she is championing for more people to get involved at County of Elections meetings.

Check out our exclusive interview with her

A portrait picture of Amy Landreville,

Rockingham County

Amy Landreville

Amy is a long term Rockingham County resident who has worked in the Department of Social Services where her programming relied on funding for Medicaid. She is fueled to use her voice to get more people involved in our elections and show others the importance of how health policies affect every day Americans.